Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Path Perspective

Classification can seem, at times, to limit us as individuals. Sometimes it’s can be a useful guide. Not only in your own day-to-day morality but to find the best course of action in some morally unambiguous situations.

There are several types of moral and spiritual classifications in the magical world we live in. Two of the more popular and well known are “The Left-Hand Path” and “The Right-Hand Path”. There is also a third, and much less thought about classification known as “The Middle Path”.


The Left-Hand Path is a term sometimes used to identify some traditions where magic is used for destructive, selfish, or even harmful purposes. It’s main component is what some consider to be “black magic”. While it varies, usually there are a few universal concepts that put the left-hand path that set it apart from its counterparts. Morality is less rigid to those that follow the left-hand path. To the practitioner of the left-hand path there is no such thing as a selfless act. (Fulfilling one’s desire is acknowledged to be selfish. Helping someone gives you satisfaction in the deed and satisfaction is considered desirable and therefore selfish.)

Those that practice the left-hand path also feel that each individual is responsible for his or her own happiness, and that no external force, be it by deity or other, will provide that happiness to them as a reward for their actions. However the most important concept on the left-hand path is that the individual can and should harness the power that the universe provides through magical means in order to wield it in such a manner as an aid to enlightenment, to self-satisfaction, and Apotheosis (otherwise known as self-deification or ascending into godhood). The way the left-hand path views the divine is that humans can be or already are as powerful or more so than the gods. However those left-hand magicians that do ally themselves with the divine (or infernal) usually do so in an egotistical manner. They feel that egotistical gods want egotistical partners. With that belief many left-hand magicians use ego based magics. Magics that rely on then belief in ones self as opposed to the belief in a god-form in order to alter the universe to the satisfaction of the magician.

The Right-Hand Path tends to elevate spirituality, the strict observance of moral codes, and the worship of deities. The intent of “Right-Hand Path” belief systems is to attain a close proximity to divinity, or to become one with the divine.

Those that follow the right-hand path tend to use magic in the form of prayer to the divine and then only selflessly. Very rarely do they use magic for personal gains as they see it irresponsible to use the power given to them by the divine to profit in any way other than fulfilling their most basic needs.

Those that follow the right-hand path tend to believe in a power higher than themselves and will bend to the will of that higher power. They also believe in an absolute “good” and “evil” and usually deny the existence of morality situations that involve shades of gray.

Morally speaking, those that follow the right-hand path feel that there is a supernatural mechanism that enforces morality. Modern Pagan examples of such mechanism include both the “Three fold Law” and Karma.

There is also a tendency in some right-hand belief systems that there is a predestined salvation / damnation concept. That some are destined to be saved from damnation through a divine force and others where meant for damnation through a divine force.

The Middle Path is the idea that not everything in life has to fit into one extreme or the other. Their main purpose in life is to observe the struggle between those that follow the right-hand path and the left-hand path. They feel that it is their job to not interfere with that struggle except in the case that they need to work with one side or the other in order to preserve the balance in the universe between the right-hand (divine) and the left-hand (infernal).

To those of the middle path the balance of nature, moderation, and non-extremism are the key concepts of the path.

Strictly speaking, there is very little purely gray magic. However what is gray is described as magic not performed entirely for beneficial, ethical or spiritual purposes, yet not malevolent either. Gray magic may also benefit and harm at the same time, creating a neutral or balanced effect.

Gray magicians tend to see magic itself as neither good nor bad, but a neutral process employed towards positive or negative ends. Intention itself being key to defining the magical type. Gray magicians tend to view the divine in the same manner that either the left-hand or the right-hand may, however in a manner that is either less extreme or that utilizes the balancing aspects of the deity. A chaos based deity might be worshiped for the creation force that chaos brings with it or a justice based deity might be worshiped for the justice that would apply regardless to circumstance.

While all three paths are a valid way to peruse the true nature of the universe, the relationship between the paths are tenuous at best.

Those that seek the left-hand and the middle paths see the right-hand path as being incredibly restrictive. The dogma that the right-hand path force upon its travelers being considered too restrictive to the point where personal responsibility becomes something that can be avoided. They believe that their dogma also stamps out individuality and encourages hatred and discrimination of the other paths.

Those of the right-hand path see those that practice the left-hand path as morally inferior to the point of damnation.

On the grand scale of things the right-hand paths, left-hand paths, and the middle paths are all interconnected. They are the yin, yang, and the line down the middle. All paths lead to the same truth and we each must find the path that we’re happiest on and the path we feel most fulfilled in traveling.

There is no “Right” or “Wrong" path. 
Just the path we’re walking on.

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