Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Ritual Eating

Magic is not just something to be confined to dark rooms. Magic is not just something that people clad in robes can do. Magic is something that the whole family can do and enjoy. One such magical works that the whole family can do is what I call “Ritual Eating”. Ritual Eating is directed ritual magic that uses the energy that you put into a meal and the energy that you get out of a meal for a specific purpose. I will use Ritual Eating for the purpose of healing the leg of Pope Michael of Discordia” as an example.

Ritual Eating:

Plan out your meal. Make sure it’s something that is a favorite in your family. Plan to prepare the meal with freshest herbs, veggies, and meat. When you are ready to prepare the food, be sure to put all of your energy into doing it. Charge up your food stuffs while you cook it.

1. Sit down as a family to eat.

2. Optionally, once everyone is seated, put up a circle of protection since some things are attracted to the energies you’re about to put out.

3. Before you eat state loudly “I dedicate this meal to (The health of Pope Michael of Discordia)! May the energy I consume be used to (heal his leg)! This is my will, so shall it be!”

4. While you are eating, picture the end result of your energy. As in Pope Michael walking around normally or doing some kind of sport.

5. During the meal discuss the person the meal is dedicated to: Such as memories or stories that you have of the person. Tell jokes involving the person. Make sure that the meal is focused toward the goal.

6. Once the meal is done, take down the circle. You are done!

This is one of my favorite ritual magics. Not only does it involve good food and family, it gets everyone into working magic.

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